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Radiation and Half-Life
IGCSE Physics Mind Map on Radiation and Half-Life, created by Aarushi Jain on 13/11/2016.
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Mind Map by
Aarushi Jain
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Aarushi Jain
over 8 years ago
Resource summary
Radiation and Half-Life
Detecting Ionising Radiation
Photographic film
Becquerel (Bq) - unit of radioactivity
Measures how many unstable nuclei disintegrating in one second
Geiger-Muller Tube
Detects radiation
Background Radiation
Low level ionising radiation
Produced all the time E.G. ground and buildings, radon, medical, etc.
Natural background radiation from Earth
Radon, thoron
Build up in basements and foundations of buildings
Natural background radiation from space
Cosmic rays from exploding stars called supernovae or given by Sun
Internal radiation
Atoms making up bodies formed in violent reactions in beginning of Universe
Some atoms radioactive so we carry radiation
When breath in, take in tiny amounts of carbon-14 so renew amount of radioactive carbon in bodies
Artificial radiation
Generating electricity in nuclear power stations has leaked radioactive material in environment
Testing nuclear weapons in atmosphere increase no of radioactive isotopes on Earth
Radioactive tracers in industry and medicine
Radioactive Decay
Random process
Nucleus of an unstable atom loses energy by emitting radiation, including alpha particles, beta particles, gamma rays.
Exponential decay
The smaller the quantity, the more slowly the quantity decreases
Rate of decay would fall as time passes because fewer nuclei to decay
Average time taken for half the original mass of the sample to decay
Different for different radioactive isotopes
Measuring half-life
Use GM tube
Rate of decay, corrected for background radiation, proportional to amount of radioactive isotope present
Isotopes with short half lives used for medical purposes
Isotopes with long half lives used for dating samples of organic material
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2798f581-0032-4b0e-8c53-dd3de31847a0 (image/png)
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