
History: Baroque Europe Mind Map on BAROQUE EUROPE, created by Alberto Sánchez Gómara on 13/11/2016.
Alberto Sánchez Gómara
Mind Map by Alberto Sánchez Gómara, updated more than 1 year ago
Alberto Sánchez Gómara
Created by Alberto Sánchez Gómara about 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Absolute Monarchy: France
    1. Mercantilism
      1. economic system
        1. precious metals for more wealth
          1. raise exports, lower imports
            1. manufacturing industries
        2. Louis XIV
          1. 1. Sun KIng
            1. 2. Modernized the army
              1. 3. France - top of Europe
                1. 4. Took rights away from Protestants
                  1. 5. ...
                  2. Kings held all political power
                    1. Authority granted by God
                    2. English Civil War
                      1. originated by Charles I, who wanted to be an absolute monarch
                      2. Thirty Years War
                        1. originated by Fernando II, who wanted to be an absolute monarch
                      3. Parliamentary Monarchy: England
                        1. Charles I
                          1. 1. King of England
                            1. 2. Opposed by English Parliament
                              1. English Civil War
                                1. Parliament supporters
                                  1. Cromwell came to power
                                    1. dies
                                      1. Charles II
                                        1. James II
                                          1. Mary oo Willian of Orange
                                            1. BILL OF RIGHTS - monarchs govern with parliament
                                  2. Charles I supporters
                                2. 3. ...
                              2. Conflicts
                                1. Thirty Years War
                                  1. Catholic Hapsburg Dynasty
                                    1. German Protestant Princes
                                      1. Europe
                                        1. Peace of Westphalia
                                          1. a) Hapsburgs
                                            1. b) Independence of the United Provinces
                                            2. 1618 - 1648
                                            3. English Civil War
                                              1. Absolute Monarchy
                                                1. Charles I wanted an absolute monarchy
                                                2. Parliamentary Monarchy
                                                  1. Cromwell wins and agrees to govern with the parliament
                                                3. Glorious Revolution
                                                  1. Mary and William of Orange
                                                    1. Netherlands
                                                      1. Peace of Westphalia
                                                        1. independence from Spain
                                                4. Catholic - Protestant conflict
                                                  1. Mercantilism
                                                    1. Thirty Years War
                                                      1. France
                                                        1. mercantilist countries
                                                          1. Spain
                                                        2. Spain
                                                      2. Absolute monarchy
                                                        1. Louis XIV (absolute monarch of France)
                                                          1. France participated in the Thirty Years War
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