The Eightfold Path


Mind Map on The Eightfold Path, created by maddieisproductive on 04/05/2013.
Mind Map by maddieisproductive, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by maddieisproductive almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

The Eightfold Path
  1. Right Understanding
    1. This means having the knowledge of Buddha's teachings and agreeing with them
    2. Right Speech
      1. Trying to speak the truth and nicely 1) Not lying 2) Not swearing 3) Not gossiping 4) Not saying things that divide people
      2. Right Intention
        1. Doing things for the right reasons and with good intent
        2. Right Action
          1. Not killing, injuring, stealing or cheating on your or with someone else's partner
          2. Right Livelihood
            1. You can't make a living selling something harmful like guns or drugs
            2. Right Effort
              1. To make an effort to be positive rather than negative
              2. Right Mindfulness
                1. To always remember a strong sense of calm and have a strong sense of self
                2. Right Concentration
                  1. The ability to keep concentration and have a calm and peaceful state of mind and be able to meditate.
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