

Mind Map on Enzymes, created by babbie on 01/04/2014.
Mind Map by babbie, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by babbie over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. What are they?
    1. They are biological catalysts.
      1. Catalysts meaning substances that increase the rate of chemical reactions without being used up.
        1. Lower activation energy
      2. They are proteins.
        1. They also fold up into complex 3D shapes and allow smaller shapes to fit inside them.
          1. Shape is held by hydrogen bonds.
          2. Made up from long chains of amino acids.
          3. Usually denature at 45 degrees.
            1. Substrate molecules can fit into the active site of an enzyme molecule.
              1. The reactant of the reaction is the substrate.
                1. Each active site is specific, no other substrate can bind there
              2. Tempreature and Enzymes
                1. As the temperature increases so does the rate of reaction
                  1. Temperature
                  2. But very high tempreature can lead to enzymes denaturing
                    1. Enzyme has denatured after reaching optimum tempreature
                    2. pH
                      1. Changes in the pH alters an enzymes' shape.
                        1. Different enzymes work best at different pHs'
                          1. The optimum pH for an enzyme depends on where it normally works
                            1. For Example, Intestinal enzymes have a pH of about 7.5. Enzymes in the stomach have an optimum of about 2.
                      2. Keywords
                        1. Deature.
                          1. If a protein is denatured, its structure and function is altered
                          2. Optimum Temperature
                            1. The best temperature for the maximum rate of reaction.
                            2. Protein
                              1. Organic compounds made up of amino acids. One of the three main food groups, protein is needed for growth and repair
                              2. pH
                                1. Scale of acidity/alkalinity (pH below 7 - acidic)(pH above 7 - alkaline)
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                              MCAT Bio: Enzymes
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                              Biology B2.3
                              Jade Allatt
                              Biological Definitions
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                              Edexcel Additional Science Biology Topic 1- Genes and Enzymes
                              B3- Science. Cells, Genes and Enzymes.
                              Formula for Physics IGCSE edexcel
                              Biology 2b - Enzymes and Genetics
                              Evangeline Taylor
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