Topic A: Diversity of Life


IB SL Biology Topic Classification & Evolution
Mind Map by winnielau926, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by winnielau926 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Topic A: Diversity of Life
  1. Species & Genus
    1. Species are a group of organisms with similar characteristics which are able to interbreed and produce fertile offspring.
      1. Genus are a group of similar species.
      2. Keep Penis Clean or Forget getting Sex: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
        1. Phyla of Plants
          1. Bryophytes
            1. No Roots, structures similar to root hair called Rhizoids, Mosses have stems and simple leaves.
              1. 0.5 m, Spores are produced in capsules and developed at the end of a stalk.
            2. Filicinophytes
              1. Have roots, stems and short non-woody stems. Leaves usually divided into leaflets and curled up in a bud.
                1. 15 m, spores are produced in Sporangia on the underside of leaves
              2. Coniferophytes
                1. Roots, leaves and woody stems. Leaves narrow, with thick waxy cuticles.
                  1. 100m; seeds produced in ovules of female cones. Male cones produce pollens.
                2. Angiospermophytes
                  1. Roots, leaves and stems.
                    1. Stems of flowering plants develop into shrubs or trees that are woody
                      1. 100 m; seeds are produced from ovules inside ovaries. Ovaries are part of the flowers. Fruit develops from the ovaries and disperse seeds.
                3. Phyla of Animals
                  1. Porifera: No clear symmetry; pores through body; no mouth or anus; attached to a surface (e.g. Sponges)
                    1. Cnidaria: Radically symmetric, tentacles, stinging cells, mouth but no anus (e.g. Jellyfish)
                      1. Platyhelminths: Bilaterally symmetrical, flat bodies, unsegmented, mouth but no anus (e.g. tapeworm)
                        1. Annelida: Bilaterally symmetric, bristles present, segmented, mouth and anus
                          1. Mollusca: Muscular foot and mantle, shell may present, segmentation not visible, mouth and anus (e.g. snails)
                            1. Arthropoda: Bilaterally symmetric, exoskeleton, segmented, jointed appendages (e.g Spiders and insects)
                            2. Evolution is the cumulative change in the heritable characteristics of a population
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