Sense and Sensibility


Mind Map on Sense and Sensibility, created by Simra Ejaz on 02/04/2014.
Simra Ejaz
Mind Map by Simra Ejaz, updated more than 1 year ago
Simra Ejaz
Created by Simra Ejaz almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Sense and Sensibility
  1. AO2
    1. "Lucy was naturally clever; her remarks were often just and amusingbut her powers had received no aid from education, she was ignorant and illiterate, and her deficiency of all mental improvement"
      1. Lucy, presented as the perfect specimen of pecimen of womanhood that's almost correct, but not quite- she is uncultivated and uneducated.
        1. Austen's emphasis on women's education and intellectual development shines through here.
        2. Women and Femininity
        3. "He was not an ill-disposed young man, unless to be rather cold hearted, and rather selfish, is to be ill-disposed: but he was, in general, well respected; for he conducted himself with propriety in the discharge of his ordinary duties."
          1. This description of John demonstrates how "cold hearted and rather selfish" society's requirements are. All a person within that society had to do was conduct themselves "with proprieties" in everyday life in order to gain respect, regardless of their personal qualities.
            1. Patriarchal, dominating society
              1. Expectations and judgements made through their wealth, class, family name, attitude, pride.
                1. Society and Class
                  1. "...when shall I cease to regret you? -- when learn to feel a home elsewhere? -- Oh happy house! / And you, ye well-known trees! / ou will continue the same; unconscious of the pleasure or the regret you occasion, and insensible of any change in those who walk under your shade! -- But who will remain to enjoy you?"
                    1. The Home
                      1. Melodramatic - emotional piece making her sadness come to life - realism
                        1. Poetic form - expresses the magnified sadness of having to leave the only home Marriannes ever known
                          1. Mentions the 'well-known' trees - raised with the growth of the trees - provided shelter, care, nourishment =, only to be abandoned and no one to 'walker under [it's] shade' and 'enjoy' it's 'insensible' care.
                            1. As though the tree's are a part of the family - After father's death they are forced to leave their natural source = (provides nourishment)
                              1. Symbolism
                            2. "I have not a doubt of it," said Marianne; "and I have nothing to regret -- nothing but my own folly."
                              1. Marianne's views on love start to change as she recognises that she herself was a fool for loving Willoughby and begins to repent and regret.
                                1. Love
                                2. "...Elinor was much more hurt by Marianne's warmth, than she had been by what produced it. / Her affectionate heart which could not bear to see a sister slighted in the smallest point. /[She] one arm round her neck, and one cheek close to hers, said in a low, but eager voice: "Dear, dear Elinor, don't mind them. Don't let them make you unhappy."
                                  1. Marianne's sisterly love emerges here, proving that, despite their troubles, Elinor and Marianne have a profound bond. Perhaps a little too profound on Marianne's part, based on her uncontrollable emotions.
                                3. AO4
                                  1. All the characters lead a life of leisure. The men do little but hunt and shoot. The women entertain their friends, sing or play an instrument, play cards, and work at painting screens, making filigree baskets, and doing carpet work. Much time is spent in gossip, chatter, and the reading of poetry and romances.
                                    1. If they are rich, as is Miss Grey, they can literally buy a husband — their dowry offering often being quite substantial. If, like the Misses Dashwood, they have little dowry, their problems are great.
                                      1. Women like Elinor and Marianne have been brought up in a certain manner. They are educated and cultured but essentially useless. They have little money to offer a man, cannot work, and yet demand a man of their own level.
                                      2. Devonshire and London (England) – early 19th century
                                      3. AO3
                                        1. AO1
                                          1. Women and Femininity
                                            1. Society and Class
                                              1. Rites of Passage
                                                1. Love
                                                  1. The Home
                                                    1. Language and communications
                                                      1. Family
                                                        1. Marriage
                                                          1. Wealth
                                                            1. Dreams, Hopes and Plans
                                                              1. Competition
                                                              2. Summary: Marianne Dashwood wears her heart on her sleeve, and when she falls in love with the dashing but unsuitable John Willoughby she ignores her sister Elinor's warning that her impulsive behaviour leaves her open to gossip and innuendo. Meanwhile Elinor, always sensitive to social convention, is struggling to conceal her own romantic disappointment, even from those closest to her. Through their parallel experience of love—and its threatened loss—the sisters learn that sense must mix with sensibility if they are to find personal happiness in a society where status and money govern the rules of love.
                                                                1. Simply Put: Two sisters, Elinor Dashwood and Marianne Dashwood both fall in love but both feel the pain of love when their suitors leave them for another. Elinor’s suitor Edward Ferrars, due to social constrains, was set to marry Lucy Steele but later finds his way and marries Elinor. Marianne’s suitor John Willoughby turns to be unfaithful and marries Miss Sophia Grey due to her wealth
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