Sensory Analysis


Food Tech
Mind Map by fariah.hanif, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by fariah.hanif almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Sensory Analysis
  1. What do you need to think about?
    1. The basic things you need to remember are; colour, taste, appearance, texture and maybe mouth feel
      1. You need to know how to describe your product for example a apple strudle would be a warm, fruity desert with a brittle light pastry sheel served with a moist scoop of ice cream
        1. where there any faults or errors in the resulting product
          1. how could you improve the product, or correct the wrongs
          2. What type of diagram are you going to use e.g. star diagram, ranking test
          3. what type of tests are there
            1. ranking test
              1. ranking test with descriptor
              2. star diagram
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