Heart rate (MHR) and Borg Scale


Mind Map on Heart rate (MHR) and Borg Scale, created by 10doddj on 03/04/2014.
Mind Map by 10doddj, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 10doddj almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Heart rate (MHR) and Borg Scale
  1. Heart rate
    1. To work this out you must do: 220- age
      1. Our upper threshold is 85% 0.85
        1. our lower threshold is 60% 0.60
        2. The Borg Scale
          1. In sports and particularly exercise testing, the Borg RPE Scale measures perceived exertion.
            1. <--------- this is what the borg scale looks like
              1. To work out an estimated heart rate from using the scale you would do: 10 ÷ heart rate (BPM)= HPE

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