Plant and Animal Cells


Fifth year Agricultural Science Mind Map on Plant and Animal Cells, created by Ellen Ruttledge on 27/11/2016.
Ellen Ruttledge
Mind Map by Ellen Ruttledge, updated more than 1 year ago
Ellen Ruttledge
Created by Ellen Ruttledge about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Plant and Animal Cells
  1. Plant cells
    1. components
      1. cell wall
        1. strengthens & protects cell
        2. cell membrane
          1. controls passage of substances in and out of cell
          2. nucleas
            1. control centre, cell division,DNA
            2. cytoplasm
              1. fluid contains cell organelles
              2. large vacuole
                1. support, storage of dissolved substances
                2. chloroplast
                  1. contain chlorophyll=photosynthesis
                  2. mitrochondria
                    1. respiration
                    2. ribosomes
                      1. protein synthesis
                  3. Animal Cells
                    1. components
                      1. cell membrane
                        1. controls passage of substances in and out of cell
                        2. cytoplasm
                          1. fluid contains cell organelles
                          2. nucleas
                            1. control centre, cell division, DNA
                            2. mitrochondria
                              1. respiration
                              2. ribosomes
                                1. protein synthesis
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