

OT concept map career trajectory
Diana Nguy
Mind Map by Diana Nguy, updated more than 1 year ago
Diana Nguy
Created by Diana Nguy almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. professional development
    1. career trajectory (after passing NBCOT exam)
      1. ?
        1. traveling OT
          1. Ergonomic Consultant
            1. apply to Human Factors or Ergonomics MS Program at SJSU
              1. Associate Ergonomic Professional Certification (AEP)
                1. work 3 years full-time in Human Factors or Ergonomics
                  1. Certified Professional Ergonomist (CPE)
            2. KonMari Consultant
              1. attend a KonMari Consultant Seminar
                1. verify personal home is tidy
                  1. join "Organize the World" community
                    1. perform tidying sessions
                      1. complete online assessment
                        1. apply for certification
          2. skill set
            1. communication skills
              1. documentation
                1. never stop writing clinical notes even if location doesn't require written documentation
                  1. create a list of words that I may often mispell to ensure accuracy of notes
                  2. ask for feedback
                    1. maintain a notebook or cheatsheet that contains key lines, words, phrases that can be readily accessible
                    2. verbal communication
                      1. always consider the reasoning and rationale behind intervention
                        1. practice good critical thinking for activities such that they can be explained to another individual at any time
                    3. management & leadership skills
                      1. volunteer for projects if given the opportunity to lead
                        1. consider applying for management positions to gain knowledge and experience to understand the fundamentals of being a middle manager: fiscal planning, strategic planning, and inspiring the development of staff
                    4. professional learning
                      1. take courses in continuing education
                        1. attend professional conferences
                          1. become more actively involved in professional organizations such as AOTA and OTAC
                            1. read quality peer-reviewed articles and books to maintain evidence-based practice
                              1. sign up for training and take certification courses in specialty areas of interest
                            2. giving back
                              1. volunteering
                                1. community events or organizations
                                  1. clinics
                                  2. donating
                                    1. to professional organizations and fundraisers
                                      1. AOTA
                                        1. OTAC
                                          1. PAC
                                        2. mentoring
                                          1. OT students
                                            1. individuals interested in becoming an OT practitioner
                                              1. OT professionals interested in my field of expertise
                                          2. personal values
                                            1. personal happiness
                                              1. health maintenance
                                                1. proper nutrition
                                                  1. exercise
                                                    1. sleep
                                                      1. stress management
                                                        1. reducing burn out
                                                          1. maintaining work-life balance
                                                            1. relaxation rituals
                                                              1. massages
                                                                1. aromatherapy
                                                                  1. spa days
                                                                2. participating in leisure and social activities
                                                                  1. travel
                                                                    1. spend time with family & friends
                                                                  2. delivering quality care
                                                                    1. adhering to code of ethics as an OT practitioner
                                                                      1. honesty
                                                                        1. patience
                                                                          1. integrity
                                                                            1. empathy
                                                                              1. respect
                                                                            2. be wonderful
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