Mother Earth of the nature


Mother Earth
Ángel Colado
Mind Map by Ángel Colado, updated more than 1 year ago
Ángel Colado
Created by Ángel Colado over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Mother Earth of the nature
    1. Filtrate and device for the chimney in insutries that prevent of substance toxic, and as well can be reused in the production
      1. Politics responsability of the product
        1. Erase the products toxic the shape progessive
          1. Influence in the market in the purchase of products
            1. Dictate laws of prevention of contamination of the factorys
            2. Ocean/Sea
              1. No trow trash of the sea/ocean
                1. No trow oil for the waste a liter of oil pollute 100 000 liter of water
                  1. No waste water
                    1. accomplish the closures. They are restrictions for guarantee the reproduction of the species
                    2. Pollute ambient
                      1. Create a network of tranport public eficent. These must emerge less CO2 and that no circulate more bus of the necesary
                        1. maintein of the car in good state. Since when it malfunctions it contaminates more
                          1. Use other alternatives of movilation. Walk, bicycle
                            1. Use clotch bags.
                            2. Pollute of the floor
                              1. If you have a huert avoid use insecticide.
                                1. No burn trush
                                  1. Put in order the remains witch organic, plastic, metal, papers, toxic
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