
Mind Map on HACKING, created by anis_livesoul on 07/04/2014.
Mind Map by anis_livesoul, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by anis_livesoul almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Unauthorized access into computers
    1. Spread computer worms and viruses
    2. MOTIVE
      1. Profit
        1. Protest
          1. Challenge
          2. TYPE
            1. White Hat
              1. Breaks security for non-malicious reasons
                1. To test their own security system
                  1. Perform tests and assessments within a contractual agreement.
                  2. Black Hat
                    1. Break security for personal gain
                      1. To destroy data or make the network unusable
                      2. Grey Hat
                        1. Combination of White + Black Hat
                          1. Hack into system and notify the administrator - the system security is defect
                            1. Offer to correct the defect
                            2. Script kiddie
                              1. non-expert
                                1. using pre-packaged automated tools written by others
                              2. TECHNIQUES
                                1. Password cracking : repeatedly try guesses for the password.
                                  1. Phishing: masquerades another website or system until user revealing confidential information, such as user names and passwords
                                    1. Social engineering: pose as a user who cannot get access to his or her system.
                                      1. Keystroke logging: to record every keystroke on an affected machine for later retrieval,
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