Old boy network; contacts operate informally through membership of London clubs. The life long contacts are central in furthering the careers and enables them to have more influence in future jobs
Peer Group
Public school and Oxbridge geared to life long friendship and networking beyond school days which contributes to the idea of an intergrated elite
Social Closure
The family
Share a common background, members of the fairly small number of wealthy extended families. Normally connected by marraige
Social Closure
Social closure through; 1. Encouragement to marry other upper class 2. Immersion of children into a culture of privilege
High culture
Classical music, Art Ballet, Polo and Blood Sports
Its artistic merit and aesthetic qualities that can only be appreciated by those with good breeding
Education obtained is less important than the socialisation into ethos and culture.
Public schools and Oxbridge
Private educated school girls, gain status and self esteem by devaluing state educated kids