Case Study One - Housing In Nottingham


Mind Map on Case Study One - Housing In Nottingham , created by Tom Pass on 31/12/2016.
Tom Pass
Mind Map by Tom Pass, updated more than 1 year ago
Tom Pass
Created by Tom Pass almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Case Study One - Housing In Nottingham
  1. Location
    1. Located in the Midlands, West of Derby and South of Sheffield
      1. Small city
      2. Location
        1. Located in the Midlands, West of Derby and South of Sheffield
          1. Small city
          2. Middle class
            1. Live in West Bradford mainly
              1. West Bradford
                1. Expensive
                  1. Outer suburbs
                    1. Mainly made up of detached houses built after the 1960's
                      1. Located next to a green belt = nice area and low crime rate
                      2. They can afford expensive housing = high standard of living therefore thigh quality of life
                      3. Middle class
                        1. Live in West Bradford mainly
                          1. West Bradford
                            1. Expensive
                              1. Outer suburbs
                                1. Mainly made up of detached houses built after the 1960's
                                  1. Located next to a green belt = nice area and low crime rate
                                  2. They can afford expensive housing = high standard of living therefore thigh quality of life
                                  3. Working class and students
                                    1. Generally live in Meadows
                                      1. An inner city ward
                                        1. Housing built for workers in the 19th century
                                          1. Small terraced housing
                                            1. Poor quality or old housing
                                              1. Low standard of living
                                              2. Close to city centre, good for students and works
                                                1. Means they can get to university/work easier
                                                  1. Close to entertainment
                                              3. Working class and students
                                                1. Generally live in Meadows
                                                  1. An inner city ward
                                                    1. Housing built for workers in the 19th century
                                                      1. Small terraced housing
                                                        1. Poor quality or old housing
                                                          1. Low standard of living
                                                          2. Close to city centre, good for students and works
                                                            1. Means they can get to university/work easier
                                                              1. Close to entertainment
                                                          3. Young families and first time buyers
                                                            1. Generally live in Radcliffe, Bingham
                                                            2. Young families and first time buyers
                                                              1. Generally live in Radcliffe, Bingham
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