

Basic Information and Planning for Presentation.
Madison James
Mind Map by Madison James, updated more than 1 year ago
Madison James
Created by Madison James over 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. What are cookies?
    1. Cookies are simple and small text files that are downloaded onto your computer that usually only contain the site name and a unique user ID.
      1. Cookies are downloaded onto your computer, with your permission, when you first visit a website that uses them.
        1. They remember settings and information from previous visits and help make the website features more convenient for you.
      2. Different Types of Cookies
        1. Session
          1. Third-party
            1. Persistent
              1. Also known as 'permanent cookies', this type of file retains information and settings even after you close your browser.
                1. They are required by law to be deleted after 6 months as they can store important information such as passwords and usernames as well as billing information and addresses.
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