The geographic coordinatesystem


Tema nº 1
pepe martinez garrido
Mind Map by pepe martinez garrido, updated more than 1 year ago
pepe martinez garrido
Created by pepe martinez garrido almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

The geographic coordinatesystem
  1. Paralles
    1. Are imaginary lines that run perpendicular to the Earth's axis. The equator is the parallel that dives the earth in two equal hemispheres
    2. Meridians
      1. Are imaginary semicircles that join the shout pole an the north pole . The Greenwich Meridian , or prime meridian.
      2. Latitude
        1. Is the distance between a point on the Earth's surface an the equator. North (N) and Shout (S) are used to indicate which side of the equator the parallel lies.
        2. Longitude
          1. Is a distance between a on the Earth's surface an the Greenwich Meridian . East (E) or West (W) are used to indicate which side of the prime meridian the meridians lies.
          2. CARTOGRAPHY
            1. Map projections : Use the maps to represent the surface of the earth .
              1. Cylindrical
                1. This type of projections is more accurate at the equator and tropics, but is distorted at the poles.
                2. Flat
                  1. This type is frequently used in nautical maps and it is specially helpful in representing the poles.
                  2. Conical
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