STEEPLE analysis of the RCN's recruitment and retention of members


Mind Map on STEEPLE analysis of the RCN's recruitment and retention of members, created by hazel.crawford on 06/05/2013.
Mind Map by hazel.crawford, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hazel.crawford over 11 years ago

Resource summary

STEEPLE analysis of the RCN's recruitment and retention of members
  1. Sociological
    1. Large increase in ageing members
      1. Potential to lose members
        1. Less IT aware or technophobic
          1. Potential to lose members as information exchange is online, via telephone, fax or email
            1. Increased focus on customer service, targeted marketing, accessibility of resources and information, feedback mechanisms/controls and performance management
        2. Increase of foreign nationals
            1. English is a second language
              1. Potential to lose members as communications are misunderstood
                1. Increased focus on customer service, building customer rapport, also performance and information management
            2. Younger people have developed IT skills
                1. Demand for online resources and social media networking increases
                  1. Tailoring resources and offer to members, e.g. introduction of Facebook, Twitter and social networking hazards
                    1. Focus on user friendly format and rate of uptake including updating information, media and risk controls
                2. Increase in multi-format and multi-channel media
                  1. Tailoring resources and tackling risks
                    1. Greater choice increases competition and risk including generational divide of ability to access resources
                      1. Competition means members and potential members wield more bargaining power, competition is a threat. Multi-format and multi-channels will impact on future decisions regarding interactions with social media networking, associated training issues, continued innovation, develop more human interactions to bridge he generational gap
                        1. Keeping the offer fresh, monitoring risk (known and unknown), monitoring strategic d ecisions to ensure they are up to date with innovation. Continuing emphasis on customer service and human interactionsto meet the needs of technophobes.
                    2. Decline in student numbers
                      1. Decrease in resources
                        1. Difficulty in predicting future student recruitment numbers
                          1. Less students take up membership and less focus on student recruitment
                            1. Less students mean less members who convert to full membership (students pay £10 per annum, compared to £97.47 for first year of full nurse membership followed by £194.93 thereafter)
                      2. Attitudes to employers and trade unions changing due to reorganisation and economy impacting on employers and employees
                        1. Increased interest in unions and membership
                          1. Increase in regulations/legislation leading to deviations or misinterpretations
                            1. Increased interest in union membership and consultations
                              1. More interaction with members, easier to recruit and retain members, relationship becomes more complex
                      3. Technological
                        1. Increased use of IT and Internet
                          1. Increase in multi-format and multi-channel media
                            1. Ease of access of online resources and IT equipment
                              1. Tailoring resources, updating information and targeted marketing and consumer feedback becomes increasingly important in determining strategy
                        2. Economic
                          1. Sponsors finding economic hardship due to recession
                            1. Sponsors pay part or all of some recruitment event/materials
                            2. Fall in disposable incomes
                              1. Less money to spend on union subscriptions
                                1. People have to make a conscious choice about whether to subscribe or not whereas they might have previously not made a conscious choice
                                  1. Increased focus on recruitment and retention marketing strategies
                                    1. Economy influences how sponsors react when asked to sponsor marketing events and promotions
                                      1. Likely to be less money or promotional items on offer to induce recruitment and maintain retention
                            3. Enviornmental
                              1. Increased Corporate Social Responsibilit
                                1. Cultural norms change, new norms and beliefs affect strategic decision making
                                  1. Introduction of policies internally, e.g. Members Dignity Charter and increased emphasis on customer service meaning introduction of core competencies for employees
                                    1. Possible change of focus re strategy to include emerging norms and increased emphasis on values and misson
                                2. Ethical
                                  1. Ethical concerns and practices are widespread within the healthcare sector
                                    1. Political, environmental and legal climate is influenced an affected
                                      1. May motivate people to join or leave the RCN depending on own views and the stance RCN takes
                                        1. Important for the RCN to get the views of the organisation across via press releases, web communications, and broadcasts so they deliver a clear message and information how this will affect the organisation and its' members
                                  2. Political
                                    1. Impact of Francis Report
                                      1. Increasing competition from other trade unions and increased public focus on RCN by in general
                                        1. RCN produces FAQ's to reassure members' fears, answer questions and also set up a whistleblowing hotline. RCN reps are briefed how to deal with queries and press releases issued. Consultations and training events to deal with issues.
                                          1. Resources and personnel are diverted to dealing with crises. Less money to spend on recruiting and retaining members. Focus is diverted from original strategy and refocused on dealing with crises.
                                      2. Rapid change in current employer policies and NHS Employer regulations
                                        1. Members are more likely to join when they perceive there may be a problem with their employer
                                          1. May only be able to give 'first aid' advice when they join and depending on how they perceive experience, RCN membership may fluctuate accordingly
                                            1. Members who are happy with their experience tend to keep their membership but those who are unhappy may threaten to discontinue their membership and may not even notify of any changes
                                      3. Legal
                                        1. Increase in RCN legal activities as a result of Francis Report
                                          1. Members retain their membership out of rear of employment and legal repercussions
                                            1. Membership figures stabilise or fluctuate depending on legal and political environment
                                              1. Increase in legal cases, which unless won, incur high legal costs, increasing liability and reducing profitability
                                          2. Data Protections Act 1998
                                            1. RCN must comply with Act. Members must comply with their contract and likewise employers must keep members information confidential
                                              1. Information leaks about patients, employees, occupational health records, displaying staff records and photos in public areas, monitoring at work, and disciplinary and dismissal procedures are all relevant and can trigger interactions with the RCN via consultations, engagement, workshops, cases and enquiries
                                                1. Increases engagement with members and potential members but must be handled appropriately and actions and outcomes monitored. Poor knowledge and handling skills may mean that the RCN loses member and it's reputation is damaged.
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