The principles of the care value base


Mind Map on The principles of the care value base, created by sasha donaldson on 09/04/2014.
sasha donaldson
Mind Map by sasha donaldson, updated more than 1 year ago
sasha donaldson
Created by sasha donaldson almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

The principles of the care value base
  1. 1. The promotion of anti-discrimination practice
    1. By remaining true to the underpinning principles and values of care practice at all times, you will automatically demonstrate anti-discriminatory practice. However, actively promoting anti-discriminatory is another thing entirely. You may need to challenge others who,perhaps inadvertently discriminate. This can mean challenging colleagues and people using the service about their discriminatory behaviour. This may be a hard thing to do but you need to be prepared to hold on your care value base and challenging people if necessary. If you do not , you may draw into the discrimination yourself.
    2. 2. The promotion and support of dignity, independence and safety
      1. 3. Respect for, and acknowledgement of, personal beliefs and an individuals identity
        1. 4. The maintenance of confidentiality
          1. 5. Protection from abuse and harm
            1. 6. The promotion of effectiveness communication and relationships
              1. 7. The provision of personalised (individual) care
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