Key Dates and Facts - Ancients - MTT


[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Key Dates and Facts about the Ancient Ages in Medicine Through Time
Rachel I-J
Mind Map by Rachel I-J, updated more than 1 year ago
Rachel I-J
Created by Rachel I-J almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Key Dates and Facts - Ancients - MTT
  1. Prehistoric
    1. 18000BC - 3000BC
    2. Ancient Egypt
      1. 3000BC - 1000BC
        1. Papyrus Ebers
          1. Nile
            1. Pyramids
              1. Mumificaion
              2. Greece
                1. 1000BC - 700BC
                  1. 500BC - Pythagoras
                    1. Theory of Opposites
                    2. 350BC - Asclepios
                      1. 370BC - Hippocrates
                        1. Hippocratic Oath
                          1. Four Humours
                          2. 330BC - Aristotle
                          3. Ancient Rome
                            1. 146 BC - Mainland Greece Full
                              1. AQUADUCTS!
                                1. 129AD - Galen born
                                  1. More than 100 Medical Books
                                    1. Mistakes about holes in septum and jaw of human
                                      1. Perfect Design
                                      2. 700BC - 500AD
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