

Mind Map by mollie.dawson, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mollie.dawson almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Crust
    1. Oceanic
      1. Newer
        1. More dense
          1. Sinks
        2. Continental
          1. Thicker
            1. Less dense
              1. Floats
              2. Older
            2. Destuctive
              1. Continental +Oceanic
                1. Oceanic melted
                  1. Excess magma
                    1. Volcano
                2. Japan
                  1. East Coast
                  2. Ocean trenches
                  3. Constructive
                    1. Mid-Atlantic ridge
                    2. Conservative
                      1. USA
                        1. West Coast
                        2. No volcano
                        3. Fold mountains
                          1. Destructive mountains
                            1. Sedimentary rocks fold
                              1. And are forced up
                              2. South America
                                1. Andes
                              3. Continental
                                1. Asia
                                  1. Himalayas
                                2. Characteristics
                                  1. Tall
                                    1. Snow & glaciers
                                      1. Lakes in valleys
                                    2. Types
                                      1. Composite
                                        1. Japan
                                          1. Mt. Fuji
                                          2. Layers of ash and lava
                                            1. Thick lava
                                          3. Shield
                                            1. Hawaiian islands
                                              1. Mauna Loa
                                              2. Runny lava
                                              3. Supervolcanoes
                                                1. Formation
                                                  1. Magma basin forms below surface
                                                    1. Causes bulge on surface
                                                      1. Several km wide
                                                        1. Cracks & lava vents form
                                                          1. Lava errupts
                                                            1. Earthquakes
                                                              1. Plumes of ash and rock
                                                                1. Bulge collapses
                                                        2. Effects
                                                          1. Thousands of km^3 of rock, ash & lava
                                                            1. Thick ash cloud = tens of miles destroyed
                                                              1. Ash will block out light over continents
                                                                1. Mini iceages
                                                                2. Ash settle over 100's km^2
                                                                  1. Bury fields
                                                                    1. Collapse roofs
                                                                  2. Characteristics
                                                                    1. Flat
                                                                      1. Large area
                                                                        1. Caldera
                                                                    2. Predicting volcanoes
                                                                      1. Tiltmeters
                                                                        1. Measure bulges
                                                                        2. Seismic activity
                                                                          1. Volcano history
                                                                          Show full summary Hide full summary


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