Oppositions to the First New Deal


A revision mindmap for the Edexcel History AS USA exam. Topic: Oppositions to the First New Deal.
Kinza Hussain
Mind Map by Kinza Hussain, updated more than 1 year ago
Kinza Hussain
Created by Kinza Hussain about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Oppositions to the First New Deal
  1. Francis Townsend
    1. Was a retired doctor from California and opposed the First New Deal Policies.
      1. Supported the idea of federal funded old-age pensions as a way of stimulating demand in the economy
        1. Under his plan everyone over 60 years would receive a federal pension of $200 per month.
          1. By 1935, 500,000 people joined 'Townsend Clubs' across USA (in support of his plan)
            1. Associated with the Social Security Act.
            2. Huey Long
              1. 'Share our wealth' programme (private property over $3 million would be confiscated)
                1. House, car, radio for every family
                  1. Old age pensions, minimum wage: $2,000-$3,000 per year.
                    1. Free college education
                      1. 4.6 million members of 'share our wealth' clubs.
                        1. 'TAX THE RICH+ HELP THE POOR'
                          1. Huey Long associated with the Revenue Act
                        2. Robert Wagner
                          1. Proposed the Labor relations Act.
                            1. Born out of disappointment of the Labor board set up under the National Recovery Administration. (Section 7a of the National Industrial Recovery Act 1933.
                              1. Obliged management to engage in good faith collective bargaining with workers.
                                1. However some argued that this led to too much power developing in the large unions who did not always have regard for the individual.
                                  1. In May 1935, Supreme Court declared Section 7a unconstitutional.
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