War Communism


History (1881 - 24) Mind Map on War Communism, created by charlotte151996 on 07/05/2013.
Mind Map by charlotte151996, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by charlotte151996 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

War Communism
  1. Transform society and economy 1917-18?
    1. 2nd Dec 1917 - Supreme council of national economy (central control of Russian economy).
      1. 4th Dec 1917 - army used to take control of banks.
        1. 21st Jan 1918 - declare all foreign debts incurred by Tsar and PG were illegal and will not be paid.
          1. All landowners lost their estates.
            1. Money abolished at one stage.
          2. State Capitalism - workers took control of factories and set their own hours of work and level of production. Production slumped - produced a black market.
            1. Civil war - economy had to be geared towards this.
          3. Impact
            1. Allowed communists to win civil war.
              1. Failed to stop fall in industry production - 1921 end of war communism.
              2. Allowed gov. to concentrate on production of military equipment.
                1. 1917 - 1920 = over half of urban pop. disappeared - class Lenin hoped to build new socialist society.
                  1. Decline due to number of factor = death in civil war, famine or back to villages to find food.
                  2. As a result of civil war and war communism - major famine in 1921.
                    1. Peasants stopped producing so much grain, combined with drought and war = death of 2 million.
                      1. Peasant uprisings - force Lenin to reappraise economic policy.
                  3. What was War Communism?
                    1. Supreme economic council to run economy.
                      1. Nationalisation of industry - all large industries liable to nationalisation without compensation.
                        1. Private trade banned.
                          1. Grain surpluses seized from peasants.
                            1. Decline in use of money - replaced by rationing organised by the state.
                              1. Use of terror, slave labour and seizure of good and grain by the state.
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