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Specialised Cells
Facts about Specialised Cells: Palisade Cells, Guard Cells, Red Blood Cells, Sperm and Egg Cells. Comment below If this helps you :)
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biology 2a
Mind Map by
Evangeline Taylor
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Evangeline Taylor
almost 11 years ago
Resource summary
Specialised Cells
Palisade Leaf Cell
The Palisade cell is labelled 'C'
Near the top layer so they're near to the light
Palisade Leaf Cell is adapted for Photosynthesis
It packed with Chloroplasts for Photosynthesis
Tall shape
Means that there's a lot of surface area
Exposed down the side for absorbing CO2
Thin Shape
Lot packed to the top of the leaf in a group
This is most of the Photosynthesis happens
Guard Cells
Diagram of Stoma, inside is the Guard cell
Guard cells are adapted to open and close pores in the stoma
When the plant has lots of water, the guard cells fill up and go plump and furgid.
This make the Stoma open so gases can be exchanged for Photosynthesis
The Stoma opens so gases can be exchanged for Photosynthesis
Red Blood
Red Blood Cells
Diagram of Red Blood Cells
Red Blood Cell are adapted to carry Oxygen around the body
Concave shape
Gives it a big surface area for absorbing oxygen
Helps them pass smoothly through the capillaries to reach the body cells
Packed full of Haemoglobin
The pigment to absorb oxygen
No Nucleus
More room for haemoglobin
Sperm and Eggs Cells
Function of a Eggs cell
Contain nurishment for early stages of embyro develpment
The cell carry the Felmale DNA
The cell contain huge food reserves to feed the embyro
Function of a Sperm Cell
Basically the sperm job is to get the Male DNA to the Female DNA
Long tail and a streamline head to help it swim to the egg
The mitochondria provide the energy the sperm needs
The sperm fuses with the egg
The egg membrane changes instantly to stop any sperm from getting in
This make sure that the offspring has the right amount of DNA
Media attachments
Leaf_Diagram___Palisade_Leaf_cells__.gif (image/gif)
Stoma__inside_is_the_Guard_Cells_.gif (image/gif)
Red_Blood_Cell.gif (image/gif)
Egg_Cell.gif (image/gif)
Sperm_Cell.gif (image/gif)
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