

Mind Map by lac742, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lac742 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. dating
    1. among friends
        1. romantic
            1. between family
              1. Good education of Dutch can be seen not only in business but in the social sphere. As you visit a restaurant will give you some behavior patterns in such establishments.
                1. Arriving at the restaurant, the waiter or maitre lead and direct them to the table. The gentlemen should not sit until all the women have done. And if applicable, must help the ladies to be seated.
                2. meals
                  1. romantic
                      1. casual
                          1. family
                              1. Savor served directly from an antique armoire by waitresses dressed in traditional costume at the restaurant De Koe (cow) dishes; or apoltrónate in large tables Charleston Grand Café, the equivalent of Cheers bar in Volendam. But eating. Eating in Volendam is almost mandatory. And considering it is a fishing village, a good plate of seafood is always a wise option
                              2. art
                                1. The art is very present in the Netherlands I had to that It is the country with more museums per square kilometer in the world. Every year many festivals take place international art for the enjoyment of art lovers , additional famous Dutch painters around the world as they are is vencent willem van gong.
                                  1. Volendam Museum in Zeestraat 41, is the perfect place to delve into the history that has made the Volendam interesting place it is today instead. Even if your group is not of those who visit museums, sure there is something between the old interior, traditional costumes and historical artifacts that you prefer.
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