Social Intelligence


Social Intelligence Mind Map on Social Intelligence, created by arashi0712 on 07/05/2013.
Mind Map by arashi0712, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by arashi0712 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Social Intelligence
  1. group cohesion in a large area
    1. competition theory
      1. alliances and afflilative behaviour responses to group aggression
        1. competition is the driving force
          1. sociality evolved as it increases indiv and group fitness
            1. co-op favoured to mitigate conflicts of interest
              1. co-op with kin and useful allies
        2. females = food males = mating
          1. co-op through pursuit of self interest, eventually benefits both parties
        3. Silk et al 2004
          1. Savannah baboons supported close maternal kin during conflicts, no evidence to show non kin support and they helped HR more even if they out ranked both fighters
            1. no stable alliance with non relatives
              1. HR more active in support because costs for them is smaller than for LR relatives but they also gaon more benefits
            2. Primates have larger brains to manage and manip social information
              1. brain size correlates with measures of sociality and group size in other taxonomic groups
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