Weaknesses of the Italian political system 1870-1915


A Levels History (Fascist Italy 1915-1945) Mind Map on Weaknesses of the Italian political system 1870-1915, created by Eva Clifton on 13/04/2014.
Eva Clifton
Mind Map by Eva Clifton, updated more than 1 year ago
Eva Clifton
Created by Eva Clifton almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Weaknesses of the Italian political system 1870-1915
  1. lack of Italian Identity
    1. dialect variations
      1. lack of railways and roads
        1. no united education system
        2. The Catholic Church
          1. Liberalism is a 'sin'
            1. Catholics were instructed not to vote - until threat of Socialism
              1. The Pope denounced the Liberal State
              2. Italian Economy
                1. Steel production - less than other countries
                  1. lack of railways
                    1. North-South divide - made worse by Northern industrialization
                      1. high taxes on the poor
                        1. high national debt
                        2. Liberal political system
                          1. based on British system
                            1. no set political parties - hard for people within the same party to agree
                              1. Transformismo - weak coalitions were formed, quite unstable
                                1. Poor weren't allowed to vote until 1912 - Universal Male Suffrage
                                2. Challenges to the Liberals
                                  1. no set parties = more difficult for the Liberals to dominate politics
                                    1. 1896 defeat at Adowa - made the Liberals look weak
                                      1. Socialists - viewed regime as a capitalist exploitation
                                        1. Pope - condemned the Liberals
                                          1. Nationalists - viewed the Liberals as weak
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