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praise song for my mother
Mind Map on praise song for my mother, created by eilishhardy on 13/04/2014.
Mind Map by
, updated more than 1 year ago
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almost 11 years ago
Resource summary
praise song for my mother
different aspects of a mother and daughter relationship
mother was like complete world to child
first 3 stanzas describe what mother was to her using a different image
last stanza suggest she moved to England, moved away from childhood
lack of punctuation
flowing rhythm
not one particular memory they have all merged together into one warm pic
never-ending memory of mother
poem isn't single event but experiences of many yrs
first 3 stanzas show stability of childhood and are refrain and have repetition
gap in poem-mothers death?
language about her mother
words that wouldn't normally be used to describe loved one
suggest poet gone beyond traditional form and its meant to be heart felt
word out of their usual context, don't have one simple meaning- make us see mothers importance as beyond simple explanations
'you were'
repetition, sense of loss, sense of being formal verse
'water to me'
essential-couldn't live without
adjectives aren't straightforward-mothers love was more than can be captured in everyday life
suggest both depth and understanding
'moons eye to me'
looking down
metaphor-natural influence, parental influence
moon pulls tides-influence isn't forced
'sunrise to me'
brings light/joy
moon, water and sun are all essential just like mom, mom is always there
language about food
food from Caribbean-linking mother to specific place, emphasises how mother was a nourishing presence
last stanza can be read as describing meal-seeing fish, feeling shelter of tree and the smell of the food
suggests her mothers presence touched all her senses
'fishes red gill to me'
brings life to her made her life healthy
present participle- even though her mothers not there she is still part of her life
'crabs leg/the fried plantain smell'
smells merge together
the vibrant colours suggest vivid memory of childhood and will never forget it
'wide futures'
many possibilities- future,on her own
Feelings and Attitudes
Gratitude-expressing thanks to mom's love and support
Joy-memories are joyful and warm ones
praise-song gives chance to tell people how she feels about her mother
emphasise how much her mom nourished her
Tone-happy: celebration of mothers life however parts are sad
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