English II - UNAD


Mind Map of the course including everything you find in the different environments.
Jorge Ivan Olaya
Mind Map by Jorge Ivan Olaya, updated more than 1 year ago
Jorge Ivan Olaya
Created by Jorge Ivan Olaya almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

English II - UNAD
  1. Previous Knoledge
    1. Verb To-Be
      1. WH Questions
        1. Present simple
          1. Describing things and people
            1. Present progessive
              1. There is/are
              2. Starting information
                1. Course presentation
                  1. Agenda
                    1. Course Agreements
                      1. Informative forums
                      2. Knowledge environment
                        1. Learning program
                          1. Documentary Sources
                            1. Unit 1 - Giving advice
                              1. Unit 2 - Getting a job!
                              2. Course Glosary
                              3. Collaborative Learning
                                1. Teacher's monitoring
                                  1. Synchronous Support
                                  2. Learning Strategy Development
                                    1. Activity Guides
                                      1. Task Forums
                                    2. Practice learning
                                      1. Speaking Guide
                                        1. Practice Activities
                                        2. Monitoring and evaluation
                                          1. Professional Competences Evidences
                                            1. Initial evaluation
                                              1. Intermediate Evaluation
                                                1. Final Evaluation
                                                2. Student´s Management
                                                  1. UNAD Services
                                                    1. Academic Management
                                                      1. Administrtive Management
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                                                    Tarea 1 - La Naturaleza de la Electricidad
                                                    Paula Andrea
                                                    Aplicaciones de la biofísica
                                                    Estefania Orrego
                                                    Rafel Juanola
                                                    Penisola balcanica: fisica
                                                    Siria Giacomelli
                                                    ¿Algún proceso vital involucra electricidad? | Actividad II - Física.
                                                    Joseline Paola Mar Fernández
                                                    Leyes del movimiento
                                                    Pablo Salgado
                                                    ECONOMÍA Y SU RELACION CON OTRAS CIENCIAS
                                                    David Zepeda
                                                    yoiner idrobo
                                                    El calor y la temperatura
                                                    Carlos Salas
                                                    Francia: fisica
                                                    Mattia Depaul