My Greatest ambition


Mind Map on My Greatest ambition, created by kitty.kat.k on 18/04/2014.
Mind Map by kitty.kat.k, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kitty.kat.k over 10 years ago

Resource summary

My Greatest ambition
  1. Opening
    1. Persona
      1. Comically frustrated by convetions
        1. 'only thing that was ever real to me'
          1. Juxtaposes fictitious nature of comic strips
        2. Joke = 'Lurie' is successful writer
        3. Representation of Ambition
          1. Escape childhood
            1. Remain in private, imaginary world
              1. Wild ambitions are more real
                1. 'dreamers!'
                  1. !=Comic disgust
                  2. Entirely perosnal
              2. Conversational comic tone
                1. 'had any of them read a comic?'
                  1. Directly to reader
                    1. Comic fustration
                    2. 'pronounced it not too bad'
                      1. Juxtaposes conclusion
                      2. Varied sentence structure
                        1. Reflects his thoughts
                          1. Short = Excitement
                      3. Childhood Vs. Adult world
                        1. Father represents cynicism of AW
                          1. 'fifty times a night'
                            1. Mocks son
                              1. Aspirations
                                1. Suit, sarcastic
                                  1. 'a prince
                                    1. Short, contrasts to time deciding
                                    2. Bizarre tie
                                2. Comic image, juxtaposes language
                                  1. 'standing on tiptoe' 'yelled'
                                    1. 'any day will suit me fine'
                                  2. Jumps to conclusions, pretending to be Adult
                                    1. 'full-time career'
                                      1. 'yes'
                                        1. Repetition connotes momentous decision
                                      2. Expectations (of office)
                                        1. 'ordinary'
                                          1. Repetition conveys dissapointment
                                          2. Naivety
                                            1. Childish self-importance
                                        2. The Interview
                                          1. 'surprised'
                                            1. Comic misunderstanding about age
                                              1. Elephant in the room
                                                1. 'ice cream'
                                              2. 'men in grey suits...three'
                                                1. More suited to law
                                                  1. Short, child perspective
                                                  2. Overly polite
                                                    1. 'please, please sit down'
                                                      1. Repetition, awkwardness
                                                        1. 'uncomfortably smiling'
                                                          1. 'snapped across the room like a bullet'
                                                      2. 'blinding smile'
                                                        1. Attempt to hide nerves
                                                        2. 'any old time'
                                                          1. Confident familiarity
                                                            1. Ironic, he's not in control
                                                        3. Ending
                                                          1. Ambition destroyed
                                                            1. Symbolised by magazine closing
                                                              1. 'grew out of it'
                                                                1. Growing up=Giving up ambitions
                                                              2. 'I had become a dreamer'
                                                                1. Breaks rhythn
                                                                  1. Doesn't feel natural
                                                                2. 'serious painter'
                                                                  1. Ironic, unstable
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