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Distribution of Organisms
Facts about Distribution of Organisms. Comment below if this helps you :)
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distribution of organisms
biology 2a
Mind Map by
Evangeline Taylor
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Evangeline Taylor
almost 11 years ago
Resource summary
Distribution of Organisms
Organisms Live in Different Plants because The Environment Varies
A habitat is a place where an organisms lives
E.g. a playing field
The distribution of an organism is where an organism is found
E.g. in a part of a playing field
Where an organism is found is affected by environmental factors such as:
Availability of Water
Availability of Oxygen
Availability of Carbon dioxide
Availability of nutrients
Amount of light
Use Quadrats to Study the Distribution of Small Organisms
1. Place the quadrats (1m x 1m) in a random area on the ground
2. Count all the organism within the quadrat
3. Repeat Step 1 and 2 as many time as you can
4.Work out the mean number of organisms per quadrat
Use Transects to Study the Distribution of Organism Along a Line
Transect can help you find out how organisms (like plants) are distributed across an area
1. Mark out the line - using a tape measure
2. Collect data along the line
3. count all the organism you're interested in that touch the line
4. Or, collect data by using a quadrat. these can be placed next to each other along the line or at intervals
For example, every 2m
When collecting Environmental Data You need to think about...
Make sure that your results are reliable
Which means making sure they are repeatable and reproducible
For your result to be valid they must be reliable and answer the original Question
You need to control all the variables
Media attachments
Quadrat (image/jpg)
Mean (image/png)
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