Conventions Of A Film Poster (Short and Major)


Mind Map on Conventions Of A Film Poster (Short and Major), created by beckylarter on 21/04/2014.
Mind Map by beckylarter, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by beckylarter almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Conventions Of A Film Poster (Short and Major)
    1. CHARACTER POSTERS: The main character will appear at the centre of the poster, thus drawing attention from the audience to the character. This allows the actors fans/followers know that (s)he is in that particular movie. Then the fans will buy more tickets to watch the movie and the film will earn more money.


      1. NAME DROP POSTERS: These posters are similar to 'Character Posters' as they are created to entice the audience to watch the film because of the long list of stars they have working on the film. The reason they advertise all names on these types of poster is to bring in as much revenue from the actors themselves. We normally on see these ensemble type works on comedies or multiple narrative films.


      2. ICONIC POSTERS: These posters use iconic images from the move, or if it's a sequel the pervious movie. The images is normally linked to the theme or plot of the film itself, so the audience can have a taste of what the film may entail.


        1. INTEREST POSTERS: These types of posters are created to create interest in the film itself. These posters often give a clue about what the theme of plot is within the film without saying too much about it. These posters can also be classed as teaser posters (posters that appear before the full poster and only really offer a date and a iconic image). The posters itself can be misleading about the film, thus bring the audience into the film them giving them a different product than they expected.


          1. IMAGE: There is always an image with a film poster. The image would illustrate the movie easily, and give simple pointers into what the film will entail.
            1. TITLE AND NAMES: The poster will include both the title and names of the actors that star within the film. The only way the title does not appear on the poster is if the film is well known/sequel then sometimes only the image and a date appear.
              1. TAGELINE: a tagline will be used on the posters this shows what sort of film it is and is normally very memorable
                1. ADDITIONAL CREDITS: Many posters also include credits from the essential personnel that create the film. These include the directors, producers, the composers as well as the film company and film studios.
                  1. ADDITIONAL FEATURES: Film poster also include other features such as the movie rating. Some include the opening date of the film. Some have the type of film and sound system used, with the additional cast and crew, the URL for the movie's website and a copyright notice and award information.
                  2. SHORT FILM POSTERS
                    1. Short film posters are generally similar to major film posters and use many of the same feature: Title; names of actors and image. The only real difference is that short film posters have less information of the posters themselves.
                      1. The posters give small clues about what the short film entails. Such as the theme and/or genre of the film too.
                        1. The images of short film posters only contain one or two characters, as they usually only contain a small number of characters to keep the narrative easy to follow. The image of the character is usually the main focus for these types of posters.
                          1. They contain general information about the directors, producers and composers if there are needed. They normally produce the information such as the film company and production company on the poster. As this is classed as generic information needed on a poster.
                            1. There isn't a major difference between the three types of poster.
                              1. The difference between a 'Major' film poster and it's 'Teaser' poster is hardly nothing. One, there is more text or information on a major poster rather than a teaser poster. This is because a teaser does exactly what it says, it teasers the audience into wanting to know more. They normally have a simple image or normally a iconic image from the film, that alludes to the theme, setting or plot of the story.
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