The Origins and Development of the Cold War,
Key Content
Tensions in the wartime
alliance against the Axis
The warime allinace happened
when both the US and USSR
The US and the
USSR emerged as
The countries had
very different
views and aims
The US was a supreme
capitalist country
The US was a supreme
capitalist country
worry led to fear; fear caused the
breakdown of the wartime alliance
hostility and mutual antipathy
Peacemaking at the end of
World War II
Anthony Eden
Potsdam Conference
Incrreasing tensions in a
divided Europe
The truman
Doctrine and the
Marshall Plan
Truman believed
that the US would
have to be much
more active in
world affairs if it
was going to halt
the spread of
Truman Doctrine
a plan for containing
communism and
dictatorships by helping
countries like Greece and
Turkey get back on their
economic feet
Marshall Plan
an expanded version of
the Truman Doctrine
and a part of the
containment policy. The
US ended up giving $12
billion to help Europe
rebuild after WW2. We
did this to stop the
spread of Communism
in western Europe.
The Berlin Blockade
and Airlift
Berlin Airlift
Joint effort by the US and Britain to
fly food and supplies into West Berlin
after the Soviet blocked off all ground
routes into the city
Berlin Blockade
1948: Soviet response to US, Britain,
and France uniting their parts of
Germany into West Germany. West
allies got around it with the Berlin
Air Lift.
Key Approaches
How far were inherent
tensions between East and
West bound to resurface in
How important were the
personalities of the leaders of the
Great Powers in shaping the Cold
How far were the ideology,
security and economics the
factors which created Cold War
Appeared- a
decade after
the end of the
Seocnd World
Places the responsibility
for the Cold War on the
Soviet Union and its
expanision into Eastern
Placed more responsibility for
the breakdown of postwar peace
on the United States
efforts to isolate and confront
the Soviet Union well before the
end of WW2
Argued that American
policymakers sharded an
overarching concern with
maintaining the market
system and democracy
Revisionists believed that to obtain that
objective the US wanted an Open Door
Policy abroad, aimed at increasing access
to foreign markets for US business and
Not so much the responsibilty of
either side but rather the result
of predictable tensions between
two world powers that had been
suspicious of one another for
nearly a century
How have the perspectives on the Cold War
of Russian historians differed from those in
the West?
Reinterpretations of the
Cold War in the light of
new archival sources