The five areas of development


The five areas of children's development
Chloe Marie
Mind Map by Chloe Marie, updated more than 1 year ago
Chloe Marie
Created by Chloe Marie over 7 years ago

Resource summary

The five areas of development
  1. Physical development
    1. The way children learn to move and coordinate their bodies
      1. 3 Areas: fine motor skills, gross motor skills & locomotive skills
        1. Coordination, balance & perceptual skills
        2. Cognitive development
          1. Intellectual development
            1. The way that children learn to think and process information
              1. Memory
                1. Making connections from previous experiences
                  1. Problem solving
                  2. Emotional development
                    1. Experiencing and expressing feelings, controlling emotions
                      1. Links closely to social development
                        1. Development of self esteem and self concept
                          1. Feelings towards others
                          2. Language development
                            1. Ability to talk, understand what others are saying & interpret facial expressions/body language.
                              1. Skills of reading and writing
                                1. Linked to cognitive and emotional development
                                2. Social development
                                  1. Ability to make relationships with other people
                                    1. Requires children to understand thoughts and intentions
                                      1. Children must adapt their behaviour
                                        1. Links closely to emotional development
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