Women Suffrage


Why Did Women Want The Vote? How Did They Get It? Why Did They Get It?
Mind Map by IndiaY, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by IndiaY almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Women Suffrage
  1. Suffragists
    1. Switch official allegiance from Liberal to Labour in 1912
      1. By 1900 had 400 branches
        1. Methods
          1. Petitions
            1. In 1910 gained 300,000 male signatures
            2. Canvassing for MPs who supported them
              1. Publicity
                1. Spent £45,000 in 1913
                  1. Newspaper: The Suffragist
                  2. Mud March 1907 (3000)
                  3. Millicent Fawcett
                    1. Conservative support
                      1. Middle Class
                      2. Suffragettes
                        1. Methods
                          1. Heckling
                            1. Opposition to the church
                              1. Vandelism
                                1. Slasher Mary
                                  1. First window broken in 1908
                                    1. Chancellor of the Exchequer's house firebombed in 1913
                                    2. Demonstrations
                                      1. Often led to arrests and fines which they then refused to pay
                                      2. Hunger Striking
                                        1. 1909
                                          1. Forced Fed
                                            1. Cat & Mouse Act
                                            2. Suicide
                                              1. 1913 Derby
                                                1. Emily Davison
                                                2. Magazine: Votes for women
                                                  1. Changed to Britania
                                                    1. Swapped militancy for military
                                                      1. Sold 30,000 copies/week
                                                    2. Emmeline Pankhurst
                                                      1. Free publicity
                                                        1. Violence led to fall in membership
                                                          1. Caused embarassment
                                                          2. Why did women want the vote?
                                                            1. Representation within Parliament by political parties
                                                              1. Equality/human rights
                                                                1. 'Competitors' had universal suffrage E.g. New Zealand
                                                                  1. They pay taxes
                                                                    1. Increasing focus on domestic/welfare issues
                                                                      1. Growing rights in local government E.g. School boards
                                                                      2. Why did women win the vote?
                                                                        1. War
                                                                          1. Gave Govt. excuse to pass women's suffrage
                                                                            1. Proved they were capable
                                                                              1. Needed to reform for men (soldiers)
                                                                              2. Militancy
                                                                                1. Successfully involved within local Govt.
                                                                                  1. Legal Campaign
                                                                                    1. Compromise
                                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


                                                                                    Suffragettes and Suffragists
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                                                                                    KEY DATES FOR FEMALE SUFFRAGE
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                                                                                    Female Suffrage
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                                                                                    The suffragettes and the suffragists
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                                                                                    Protest in Britain 1800-1914
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                                                                                    Protest in Britain 1800-1914