Mauryan Empire


321-185 B.C.
Anthony Wickett
Mind Map by Anthony Wickett, updated more than 1 year ago
Anthony Wickett
Created by Anthony Wickett over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Mauryan Empire
  1. Chandragupta
    1. inspired by Alexander the Great.
      1. unified northern India
        1. Defeated Persian Gneral Seleucus
        2. Divided empire into provinces and then districts for tax assessments and law enforcements
          1. had effective civil service
            1. grandson was ashoka
              1. Ashoka
                1. Lead empire to its peak.
                  1. He spread buddhism around India.
                    1. Has pillars with edicts on it which promoted buddhist ideals.
                      1. Stupas built in his honor.
                        1. Expected subjects to be moral. Filial piety.
                          1. Civil service bureaucracy.
                            1. Had trade routes.traded.
                              1. Battle of Kalinga
                                1. occurred in 262 BCE. Kalinga vs. Mauryan.
                                  1. Super bloody war.
                                    1. It was when buddhism converged.
                                      1. Rejected further conquest.
                                        1. Built hospitals, wells, and sponsored art.
                                          1. Ashoka conquered Kalinga and added it to his empire.
                                          2. Eddicts of ashoka
                                            1. collection of 33 inscriptions on pillars written in Sanskrit
                                              1. lion statue sits above each pillar
                                                1. explains ashoka’s belief of Dharma (earnest attempt to solve problems of society)
                                                  1. Shows Ashoka’s adherence to buddhist philosophy
                                                    1. He developed buddhist dharma through kingdom
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