Forest Ecology Preserve


benefits to forest ecology preserve
Carley Bridges
Mind Map by Carley Bridges, updated more than 1 year ago
Carley Bridges
Created by Carley Bridges almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Forest Ecology Preserve
  1. Natural Playground
    1. everything is made naturally
      1. lots of different areas to play
        1. different play areas than a typical playground
          1. each area can aid in the development of multiple domains
          2. Hiking Trails
            1. exercise for children
              1. discover different types of plants and animals
                1. learn how to take care of the outdoors- "leave it how you found it"
                  1. hands on experience
                  2. Fairy Trails
                    1. kids build something all on their own
                      1. they are proud of their accomplishments
                        1. its creative and hands on
                        2. Animal Area
                          1. several different types of animals including: snakes, bearded dragon, and a geco
                            1. teaches kids not to be afraid of animals
                              1. teaches them about animals they don't see often
                                1. teaches them the proper way to treat animals
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