2.1.4 The ultrastructure of eukaryotic cells: membrane-bound organelles
AS level Biology (2.1- Cell Structure) Mind Map on 2.1.4 The ultrastructure of eukaryotic cells: membrane-bound organelles, created by Aleena Sheraz on 03/07/2017.
2.1.4 The ultrastructure of eukaryotic cells:
membrane-bound organelles
Eukaryotic cells
All animal, plant, fungal
and protoctist cells
Means they have:
Nucleus-> surrounded by nuclear
envelope -> containing DNA
wound into linear chromosomes
Nucleolus inside nucleus-> contains
RNA, chromosomes unwed and
involved in making ribosomes
Jelly like cytoplasm -> organelles are
Cytoskeleton= network of
protein filaments within
cytoplasm which move
organelles around the cell,
allows some cells to move and
contraction of muscle cells
Plasma membrane
Membrane bound organelles
Small vesicles
Ribosomes-> without membranes where
protein is assembled
Cells are the building
blocks of living
Within cells there are various
organelles with specific functions ->
allows division of labour which
means every cell carries out its
functions efficiently
Membrane bound organelles
Most organelles within eukaryotic cells are
membrane bound= covered in a membrane
This keeps organelles separate from the rest of the
cell = discrete compartment
ONLY eukaryotic cells have membrane bound organelles
Electron microscopy enabled scientist to
ascertain structures of these organelles by
making and examining sections to build a 3D image
Biochemistry research -> enabled scientists
to find function of organelles
Surrounded by a double membrane
= nuclear envelope, which has pores
Nucleolus (inside nucleus) does not
have a membrane, contains RNA
Genetic material= chromatin, consists of DNA
wound around host one proteins. When cell isn't
dividing chromatin spreads out, when cell is
dividing chromatin condensed and coils into
chromosomes. These make up nearly all the
Nuclear envelope= separates contents of
nucleus from the rest of the cell
When outer and inner membranes fuse
some dissolved substances and ribosomes
can pass through
Pores enable larger substances e.g.
mRNA to leave and some e.g. steroid
hormones to enter from cytoplasm
Nucleolus= where ribosomes are made
Chromosomes contain organisms genes
In summary, the nucleus:
Control centre of cell
Stores organisms genome
Transmits genetic info
Provides instructions for protein synthesis
Endoplasmic reticulum
A system of membranes, containing fluid
filled cavities (cisternae) continuous with
the nuclear membrane
RER= rough endoplasmic reticulum
Coated with ribosomes
RER is the intercellular transport system.
Cisternae from channels for transporting
substances around the cell
Provides large SA for ribosomes= assemble amino
acids into proteins. These proteins actively pass
through the membrane into cistern and
transported to Golgi apparatus for packing and
SER= smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Don't have
ribosomes on its
SER contains enzymes that catalyse
reactions for lipid metabolism. These
include: synthesis of cholesterol,
(phosphorus)lipids and steroid
Involved in absorption, synthesis and transport of lipids
Golgi apparatus
Stack of membrane
bound flattened sacs
Secretory vesicles bring
materials to and from
Golgi apparatus
Proteins are modified by: adding sugar to make
glycoproteins, lipids to make lipoproteins and being folded
into their 3D shape
Proteins are packaged into
vesicles that are pinched off and
then stored in the cell or moved
to plasma membrane to be
incorporated or exported
May be spherical, rod shaped
or branched, 2-5um long
Surrounded by 2 membranes= fluid
filled space between. Inner membrane
is highly folded into cristae
Inner part of mitochondrion is
a fluid filled matrix
Site of ATP production
during aerobic respiration
Self replicating - can
make more if needed
Abundant in cells where much
metabolic activity takes place e.g.
synapses between neurones
Site of photosynthesis
First stage of photsynthesis= light energy is
trapped by chlorophyll, used to make ATP=
occurs in granum
Second stage= H reduces CO2 using energy from
ATP to make carbohydrates = occurs in stroma
Chloroplasts are abundant in leaf cells
especially palisade mesophyll layer
Large organelles, 4-10um long
Found only in plants
(SOME protoctists)
Surrounded by double membrane. Inner
membrane is continuous with stacks of flattened
membrane sacs (thylakoids) which contain
Each stack of thylakoids is a granum
Fluid filled matrix= stroma
Contains loops
of DNA and
starch grains
Cilia and undulipodia
Protrusions from the cell
and surrounded by
plasma membrane
Each contain
microtubules and are
formed from
Epithelial cells lining
airways have many
cilia which beat the
Cilium can act as an antenna as it
contains receptors which allow cells
to detect signals on immediate
Only sperm have undulipodium
which enables it to move
Small bags formed from the
Golgi apparatus, each
surrounded by a single
Contains powerful
hydrolytic enzymes
Abundant in phagocytic cells like
neutrophils and macrophages
which ingest pathogens
Keep powerful hydrolytic
enzymes separate from
the rest of the cell
Can engulf old cell organelles and
foreign matter, digest and return
components for reuse
Surrounded by a membrane
(tonoplast) and contains fluid
Only found in plant cells, Large
permanent vacuole
Filled with water and solute= maintains cell
stability = when full it pushes against cell wall
making the cell turgid
If all plant cells are turgid
it helps support the plant