53: Unpredictability Keeps People Searching


Chapter 6: What Motivates People Point 53: Unpredictability Keeps People Searching
Miranda Davis
Mind Map by Miranda Davis, updated more than 1 year ago
Miranda Davis
Created by Miranda Davis over 7 years ago

Resource summary

53: Unpredictability Keeps People Searching
  1. Unpredictability stimulates dopamine.
    1. The more unpredictable the arrival of info is, the more people will be addicted to seeing it.
    2. Auditory and visual cues like a sound that signifies a text message can lead to dopamine release. Even before you receive the actual information/open the text message.
      1. Pairing cues like sounds with the arrival of info motivates users to seek more
      2. Information released in small amounts is even more addictive because it doesn't fully satisfy the original desire for information.
        1. This is why some people find Twitter so addictive! Limiting a user to only 140 characters never fully satisfies initial desire for information.
          1. Being unsatisfied with the current information at hand can lead to whats called a "Dopamine Loop." A cycle where the user is never satisfyed with the information at hand and consequently continuously seeks out more information
            1. Giving users small amounts of info along with a means to find more info results in additional info seeking behavior.
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