Blackberry Picking Seamus Heaney


Mind Map on Blackberry Picking Seamus Heaney, created by scathafarrell on 29/04/2014.
Mind Map by scathafarrell, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by scathafarrell over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Blackberry Picking Seamus Heaney
  1. Themes
    1. Growing Up
      1. Disappointment
        1. Nature
        2. Story
          1. Stanza 2
            1. hoard berries in bath in byre
              1. Berries rot
              2. Stanza 1
                1. 1st berry ripens
                  1. pots to collect berries in
                  2. Places they go to find berries
                    1. Descriptions of the berries
                  3. Senses
                    1. Sight
                      1. sound
                        1. Touch
                          1. Taste
                            1. smell

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