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Most significant individual in the Henrician Reformation
GCSE History Mind Map on Most significant individual in the Henrician Reformation, created by Dan Bacon on 21/03/2017.
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Mind Map by
Dan Bacon
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Dan Bacon
almost 8 years ago
Resource summary
Most significant individual in the Henrician Reformation
Henry VIII
Was a Catholic
Defender of the faith
He was a natural conservative
Disliked heretical ideas - for example Tyndale
1539 Six Articles and 1543 King's Book
Far more conservative than Cromwell's reforms
Showed that he was moving in a more conservative direction in his later years
Reluctant to start the Royal Supremacy
However without his approval it would not have started
Without him there would have been no reformation
However, some Historians argue there was still no reformation with him
Approved the dissolution of the Monasteries
Financial motive?
He refounded two houses to pray for his soul
Thomas Cromwell
Highly skilled political operative
Survived the fall of Wolsey and Anne Boleyn
He rose to power because he could solve the King's problems
He established the Royal Supremacy through the passage of legislation
For example ... 1534 Act of Supremacy
Oversaw a 'revolution' in Tudor government
Notable figure in suppressing opposition
Key role in the dissolution of the monasteries
Promised to make Henry the richest Prince in Christendom
Valor Ecclesiasticus
Key religious role
Vicegerent in religious affairs
Ten Articles 1536
Publication of an English Bible
Injunctions of 1536 and 1538
1537 Bishops' Book
Anne Boleyn
A skilled political operator
Refused to be just another notch on the King's bedpost
Personal interest in the success of the Supremacy
Supported the reformers cause
Key patron to figures such as Cranmer, Latimer and Shaxton
The 10 Bishops appointed while she was Queen were all reformers
This means she has a long-term impact
Executed in 1536 when found guilty of adultery
As a result Henry came into contact with reformers
Introduced Henry to the ideas of Tyndale and Fish
Credited with persuading Henry to accept the English Bible
Thomas Cranmer
Supportive of Henry's desire for a divorce
1529 Collectanea satis Copiosa
Close relationship with Henry
Henry trusted him ore than other advisers
Retained his support through the 1540s
Important in persuading Henry to continue the Reformation after the fall of Anne Boleyn
Some Historians have viewed him as a 'yes' man
Was clearly a Protestant but kept his personal beliefs close
Supported Cromwell's religious changes
Resisted Henry's attempts to change the Bishops' Book
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