New World African Cultures


African Studies Mind Map on New World African Cultures, created by Hailey Moffett on 22/03/2017.
Hailey Moffett
Mind Map by Hailey Moffett, updated more than 1 year ago
Hailey Moffett
Created by Hailey Moffett over 7 years ago

Resource summary

New World African Cultures
  1. Brazil
    1. Candomble
    2. Haiti
      1. Voodoo
        1. Major influences
          1. Fon
            1. Yoruba
              1. Igbo
                1. Congolese
                  1. Catholicism (French)
                2. Terms
                  1. Poteau Mitan
                    1. "Tree of life"
                    2. Mambo
                      1. Female Voodoo Priest
                      2. Houngan
                        1. Male Voodoo Priest
                        2. Loa
                          1. God's and Goddesses
                          2. Damballah
                            1. "Serpent" fertility God
                        3. Cuba
                          1. Santeria
                          2. USA
                            1. African-American
                              1. Ring Shout
                                1. Africanized ritual performed to "get the Holy Ghost"
                                2. Spirituals
                                  1. New sacred music
                                    1. "My Name is Written on David's Line"
                                    2. Folk Seculars
                                      1. New secular music
                                        1. "Juba this, Juba that, Juba killed the yellow cat"
                                          1. Song sung in front of "Master" about killing them. Slave owners did not understand what they were saying in the song.
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