HSBH 1006-W4 the class origins of health inquality


The reading list of chapter 5 - the class origins of health inequality. From GERMOV 5th
Ni Shuwen
Mind Map by Ni Shuwen, updated more than 1 year ago
Ni Shuwen
Created by Ni Shuwen over 7 years ago

Resource summary

HSBH 1006-W4 the class origins of health inquality
  1. 1、 introducing class


    • class tends to focus on lifestyle differences and consumption patterns, particularly regarding fashion, as a social maker of status.
    • upper class-who own and/or manage economic resources, such as raw materials, technology, and workplaces, and employ others to create profit for them. middle class-a diverse group of people who possess some form of qualification and skill that allows them to attract higher wages and better working conditions. working class-consists of unskilled manual and non-manual (blue- and white-collar) workers who gain employment solely by selling their labour power.
    • the differences between 'class' and 'socio-economic status'(SES)
    • all class models have  'grey areas'.
    1. 2、class inequality in Australia


      • one of the key indicators of class inequality is the distribution of wealth in a country.
      1. upper class or ruling class?
        1. intersecting structures of inequality and the 'death of class'
        2. 3、class and health inequlity


          • poor have the highest rates of illness and shortest life expectancy.
          1. 4、Explaining health inequlity
            1. artefact explanations


              • are artificial and the result of statistical anomalies or the inability to measure social phenomena accurately.
              1. natural/social selection explanations


                • people's health disadvantage (for example, disability) causes social disadvantage such as poverty.
                1. cultural/behavioral explanantion


                  • a focus on changing the behaviour of  individuals assumes they exist in a social vacuum, ignoring the social context, social relations, and social processes that affect their lives.
                  1. materialist/structural explanations


                    • concern the role of social,  economic, and political factors in determining the social distribution of health and illness.
                    1. bringing class analysis back in: the structure-agency debate and health behaviour
                      1. psycho-social/social capital explanations of the social gradient of health
                      2. 5、conclusion: towards health equity or health equality?
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