Cognitive psychology


Memory unit for OCR GCSE paper 1
J Jones
Mind Map by J Jones, updated more than 1 year ago
J Jones
Created by J Jones over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Cognitive psychology
  1. Key concepts
    1. Input->Encoding->Storage-Retrieval->Output
      1. Mnemonic:
        1. Insane Elephants See Running Oreos
      2. Accessibility
        1. It's there, but you can't quite remember it, tip of the tongue
        2. Availability
          1. The information is not there: It has been forgotten
          2. Displacement
            1. New piece of information pushes out old piece, past capacity of 7+/-2
              1. 15s/7+/-2=Short Term Memory (STM)
                1. Long Term Memory (LTM)= potentially unlimited.
            2. Decay
              1. Information not rehearsed, forgotten. Past 15s.
                1. 15s/7+/-2=Short Term Memory (STM)
            3. Theories
              1. Core Theory: Multi-store model
                1. Environmental Stimuli
                  1. Sensory memory (SM)
                    1. Attention
                      1. STM
                        1. Maintenance rehearsal
                          1. (repetition)
                          2. Encoding->
                            1. LTM
                              1. <-Retrieval
                                1. STM
                                  1. Output (Decay or retrieval of information)
                        2. Decay
                      2. Limitations
                        1. The theory focuses too much on rehearsal
                          1. Some events go straight into LTM without rehearsal
                          2. Theory is too simplistic on the LTM and STM
                            1. It is argued that they play more than just a passive role
                            2. Theory is too generic
                              1. Doesn't explain how some people have better memory than others, it does not focus on the individual
                          3. Alternative theory: Levels of Processing
                            1. Memory is based on understanding
                              1. The better I know something the more I remember it.
                                1. Remembering word:
                                  1. Visual (worst)
                                    1. Acoustic
                                      1. Semantic (best)
                                  2. No criticisms needed.
                                    1. Shallow processing
                                      1. Not really thinking about it, colour, voice recognition
                                      2. Deep processing
                                        1. Understanding what it means
                                    2. Core study
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