Virtual Learning Environments


Mind Map on Virtual Learning Environments, created by Martha Isabel Buriticá Duque on 27/03/2017.
Martha Isabel Buriticá Duque
Mind Map by Martha Isabel Buriticá Duque, updated more than 1 year ago
Martha Isabel Buriticá Duque
Created by Martha Isabel Buriticá Duque almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Virtual Learning Environments
  1. Monitoring and Evaluation
    1. Professional Competences
      1. E-Portafolio
      2. Initial Evaluation
        1. Units 1 and 2, Act 9 Final evaluation
          1. Act 1, Act 2
            1. Files Unit 1, Act 2
          2. Intermediate Evaluation
            1. Act. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
            2. Final Evaluation
            3. Starting Information
              1. Informative Forums
                1. Course News
                  1. Course General Forum
                  2. Course Presentation - Agenda - Couse Agreements
                    1. Duities and Raight
                      1. Course Agenda
                        1. How to navigate in the classroom
                        2. Course Presentation
                      2. Collaborative Learning
                        1. Learning Strategy Development
                          1. Unit 2
                            1. Unit 1
                            2. Teacher is monitoring
                              1. Webconference
                                1. Support by Skype
                                  1. In Situ Acompaniment
                                2. Practce Learning
                                  1. Speaking Guide
                                    1. Guide for the Development
                                    2. Practice Activities
                                      1. Learning by Interacting
                                    3. Learning Program
                                      1. Course Syllabus
                                        1. Documentary Sources
                                          1. Unit 1 Giving Advice
                                            1. Unit 2 Getting a job
                                          2. Student`s Management
                                            1. Academic Managment
                                              1. Academic news
                                                1. Laboratory scheduling
                                                  1. Programs and tuitions
                                                    1. Saber-Pro
                                                      1. Investigation M. S.
                                                      2. Administrative Managment
                                                        1. National Registrarion
                                                          1. User care UCS(SAU)
                                                            1. Unad Services
                                                              1. Student services
                                                                1. Virtual Campus A.P
                                                                  1. Students network
                                                                    1. Format UAF (FUS)
                                                                      1. Registration and Tuition
                                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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