The studied the decline in the Nuclear family. They found it
was no longer the 'norm' in Britain. They found the two main
growing types were: 'SPF families' and 'Reconstituted
AO1: This showed more tolerance and understanding as people now have freedom and more choice.
Disagree with R&R. They believe that the 'Nuclear family' is the
most important, functional type for society. This is due to its two
gender roles and a strong income with addtional stability. For
example: Job Share.
Support these changes in demographic trends. They believe the Nuclear
family is more negative for women. They believe that women's housework is
dull and unrecognized. They believe that domestic violence makes the
Nuclear family a negative place for women.
AO2: However, the Nuclear family is unintentionally apart of every women's life cycle.
The New Right
They believe that the Nuclear family is the best. They believe the rise of
SPF's is one of society's biggest problems. This is due to their belief that
SPF'S rise crime rates and abuse the benefits system.
AO1: Chester (1982) believes that R&R have exaggerated the amount of diversity. He also believes that the only major change is women are now working. Resulting in the increase of Neo-conventional families.
SPF Families
Since 1970 the number of SPF families has tripled. Now 25% of all
families are SPF and 90% of them are headed by women. 1/5 children
live in SPF families. Britain has the largest number of SPF'S.
AO1: Reasons for this:
- Increase in divorce. (More acceptable)
- Women now work (More financially independent)
- Contraception/Medical changes (A women can choose to be a single parent)