Henry 7 Trade


A brief mind map of Henry VII's trade policies and treaties :)
Mind Map by charsargeant, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by charsargeant over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Henry 7 Trade
  1. Burgundy
    1. wool - Antwerp
      1. Margaret = enemy
        1. incosistent
          1. ban - HRE backed Warbeck
            1. necessary
              1. economically damaging
              2. 1493 - Intercurses Magnus
                1. 1506 - Intercurses Malus
                2. France
                  1. 1495: Restrictions lifted
                    1. 1487: Restrictions
                      1. 1492: Etaples
                      2. Cloth
                        1. 90% of all exports
                          1. Merchant Adventures
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