How far were divisions over the NEP responsible for the contest to succed Lenin after his death?


(Power Struggle) Mind Map on How far were divisions over the NEP responsible for the contest to succed Lenin after his death?, created by Alex Dyer on 12/05/2013.
Alex Dyer
Mind Map by Alex Dyer, updated more than 1 year ago
Alex Dyer
Created by Alex Dyer almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

How far were divisions over the NEP responsible for the contest to succed Lenin after his death?
  1. Rivalry
    1. Caused problems in Politburo
    2. Devotion to Leninism
      1. Accusations of Factionalism
      2. Legacy
        1. NEP
          1. Debating point
          2. No named successor
          3. No evident successor
            1. Different Powerbases
            2. Ideology
              1. Industialisation
                1. Left/Right differences
                2. World Revolution
                3. Future of Communism
                  1. Democracy/Bureacucracy
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