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Britain & the 13 Colonies
Relations with the American Colonies & the War of Independence c1740-89 Mind Map on Britain & the 13 Colonies, created by Charlotte Webber on 12/05/2013.
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relations with the american colonies & the war of independence c1740-89
relations with the american colonies & the war of independence c1740-89
Mind Map by
Charlotte Webber
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Charlotte Webber
almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
Britain & the 13 Colonies
13 Colonies
New England
New Hampshire Massachusetts Connecticut Rhode Island
80% English origin
Timber sea product exported
Rhode Island religious haven
New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware
Many Dutch in NYC and NJ
Germans in Pennsylvania
Fertile land in Philadelphia & NY
Quakers influential in Pennsylvania
Maryland Virginia N & SCarolina Georgia
89% Black Africans
1/4 white were literate
Slave labour KEY
Cash crops cotton, sugar, tobacco
Maryland refuge for Roman Catholics
Relations Between Colonies and Britain
Salutary Neglect 1720-1748
gradual more power to colonial assemblies
powerful men didn't like
gave colonies bit more control
colonies to be sources of raw materials
colonies forbidden to use their own coinage
Navigation Act 1660
restriction on foreign shipping
foreign goods only in English ships
goods had to go through England or wales first to be inspected and pay duties
as a result N Americas economic growth doubled
were guaranteed a market
Irritants in the Colonies
getting men drunk then making them join the navy
1747 Boston riot against press gangs
Archbishop Secker
He wanted to send Bishops to colonies
colonists would be taxed to support the Bishops
Died out when Secker died
7 Year War
Colonies (led by Washington) & British VS French and Spanish Troops
washington learned his military skills in this war
colonial merchants violated Navigation act
traded with French and Spanish
When George III came king he wanted peace
got rid of Pitt the elder as PM
He wanted to extend war to Spain
1763- signed the first Treaty of Paris
Pitt injected money and troops
Treaty Of Paris
Britain gained massive national debt
1763- £122,603,336
Sugar Act 1764
Put inplace to reduce national debt
Stamp Act 1765
would effect everyone in America
Internal tax
Tax would have to be payed for a stamp on on any paper goods
cards, legal documents, newspapers pamphlets etc
didn't go ahead
protest of "no taxation without representation"
Sons of Liberty hung effigies of stamp collectors to scare them off
sons of Liberty formed as an action committee
boycott on European goods by merchants in New York until stamp act was repealed
Repealed in 1766
embarrassment for Britain
Declaratory Act put in place so that parliament had full control over the colonies
soldiers could stay in the colonies paid by the colonists
Townshend Act 1767
taxed papers, glass, tea, lead
External tax- be collected at ports
paid for governors & officials
started non-importation boycotting on British goods
was repealed but kept tea tax
Boston Massacre 1770
extra British regiments sent to Boston to protect American Custom Boards
bostonians didn't like them there
found them brutal, thought gangs baited soldiers in the streets
angry mob closed in on a group and they opened fired
3 died 6 wounded
first bloodshed
colonist exaggerated it "massacre" propaganda
Boston Tea Party 1773
Britain supported East Indian Company by shifting tea to colonies
colonies forced sold so cheap
boarded ship dressed as Mohawk Indians, dumped 342 chests of tea in harbour
Boston port shut down until tea lost was paid for
Boston Port Act
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