Russia: 1894-1905


Mind Map on Russia: 1894-1905, created by Caitlin Lunn on 11/05/2014.
Caitlin Lunn
Mind Map by Caitlin Lunn, updated more than 1 year ago
Caitlin Lunn
Created by Caitlin Lunn over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Russia: 1894-1905
  1. Backwardness
    1. Slow to grow industrially: low number of urban workers
      1. Size of Russia and underdeveloped transport system limited chances of industrial expansion
        1. Farming restricted to Black Earth region, most of Russia not suitable for crop growing or cattle rearing
          1. Russian peasants described as "dark masses", held in check only by severe repression (82% peasants in 1897)
          2. Social policies of Nicholas II
            1. Russification: (Begun under Alexander III, continued by Nicholas) policy of restricting influence of non-Russian minorities by emphasising the superiority of all things Russian
              1. Opposition from oppressed minorities
              2. Anti-semitism: 600 measures introduced, imposing heavy social, political and economic restrictions on the Jewish population
                1. Led to more organised opposition such as the Jewish Bund, formed in 1897
              3. Economic reform under Witte
                1. Emphasis placed on modernising Russia to the extent as other European countries.
                  1. Negotiated large loans and investments from abroad, whilst imposing heavy taxes and heavy interest rates at home
                    1. Encouraged inflow of foreign capital allowing Russia to be placed on Gold Standard
                      1. Witte believed that modernisation relied on developing effective railway system, especially the Trans-siberian railway which was still incomplete by 1914
                        1. Wittes problems: 1. Made Russia to reliant on foreign loans and investments 2. Too much focus on heavy industry, neglected light engineering 3. Paid no attention to agricultural needs
                        2. Opponents to Tsarism
                          1. Because they were denied legal recognition, many resorted to extreme measures
                            1. Proved to be suspicious and intolerant of each other, making co-operation difficult
                              1. Octobrists: Believed in maintenance of Russian Empire, drawn from commercial, industrial and landowning interests
                                1. Constitutional Democrats (Kadets): wanted Russia to develop as a constitutional monarchy in which power of the Tsar would be restricted
                                  1. Populists: Regarded future of Russia as in the hands of the peasants, believed in overthrow of tsarist state
                                    1. Socialist Revolutionaries: grew from Populists, agreed with power to the people and not to the tsar, become increasingly violent
                                      1. Social Democrats: Achieve revolution in Russia by following ideas of Marx, emphasis on the workers, split in Mensheviks and Bolsheviks in 1903
                                      2. Russo-Japanese War
                                        1. Reasons: Secure warm water port, Pursue expansionist policy over Far East, Distract attention from domestic troubles
                                          1. Russia greatly underestimated Japan, army and navy far more prepared
                                            1. Port Arthur fell to Japan in January 1905, next month town of Mukden is seized
                                              1. Russia's defeat was seen as a national humiliation. Incompetence of govt seemed more obvious and excited social unrest
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