Modal verbs


Mapa Mental sobre Modal verbs, creado por Diego Armando Parada Calva el 19/04/2017.
Diego Armando Parada Calva
Mind Map by Diego Armando Parada Calva, updated more than 1 year ago
Diego Armando Parada Calva
Created by Diego Armando Parada Calva almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Modal verbs
  1. Have to
    1. Is not an auxiliary verb. It expresses impersonal obligation. Is not the subject idea, it is imposed from outside
      1. My father has to walk everyday. You have to go to school in the weekend.
    2. Must
      1. It expresses a personal obligation, what the speaker thinks is necessary so it's the opinion of the person speaking.
        1. Dad must stop drinking The car must be more fast
      2. Can
        1. Used to express ability and ask for permission
          1. She can make pizza. Can I use your TV?
        2. Could
          1. Describes an ability that someone had in the past and often express permission politely
            1. I could swim when I was young Could I take this jacket with me
          2. May
            1. Used to ask for formal permission and to suggest something that is possible
              1. May go out? It may snowing today
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